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Reviews for Designated Park & Ride

(serving Bellingham International Airport)

Driving directions (Map) to Bellingham International Airport
Designated Park & Ride
[Nickeled and Dimed]
This guy is unbelievably rude, adds on charges and held my car hostage! We will NEVER park here or use his taxi service again! We missed our flight home and he charged me double for the one day longer. He said if I wanted my car I would pay it. When we didn't use his taxi service to return to get our car, he got angry and hung up on me. The other taxi cost just under $8 and was super nice. When you arrive at the parking lot you push a button on the box outside the gate and it calls the taxi dude. He pushes a button to let you in, but says the taxi cannot drive you and your luggage to your car. And since we didn't take his taxi, he took his time letting us into the lot. I had to buzz him a 2nd time. He was rude every time we talked on the phone if he didn't get what he wanted.
Designated Park & Ride
[Nickled & Dimed]
Be aware that though this parking is $4 per day, you are charged $5 extra for dropping off before 7:00am. If you arrive more than 5 minutes after the agreed meeting time, you will be charged $7 additional. However there is no recourse if the taxi driver is late meeting you. And if you are early, you cannot get in or head to the airport earlier. You must pay a non-refundable deposit of the first day, so the early charge plus the parking charge.
Designated Park & Ride
I would like to nominate this fellow for the absolute worse customer service over the phone and in person. We have used him twice but NEVER again!The first time he was pleasant and courteous. The second time everything had changed: he was rude on the phone when I was reserving our ride.He was abrupt, rude and I had to wonder how he stayed in business. He charged us an extra $7 because we had an early flight. He berated us for parking in wrong entrance at his 'parking' lot. He got belligerent with another taxi driver who dared get in front of him. The guy is scary! When we returned he actually smiled and gave us a card for any future business and referrals...You got to be kidding!!! I've looked for a website to give a review to warn others about this guy.STAY AWAY FROM PARKING HERE...unless you like to be berated, ridiculed and insulted and then PAY for the experience!
Designated Park & Ride
[The owner is a jerk off]
Just a heads up everyone. Please DO NOT PARK at this parking lot.. Pay the extra couple of dollars per day and you'll have less of a headache and damper on your vacation. So just don't do it! Here's what happened to us: So I called after providing information by registering through their website. I had called to confirm reservation and to pay the deposit. The initial phone call, I found the guy who had answered the phone a bit brash. He had explained over the phone that they go all by appointment after meeting up at their gate for parking. The guy explained over the phone that if you are more than 5 min late for the appointment that he would have to charge $7 for a missed ride. Fine... Fast forward to actual departure date. I had missed a phone call 6 minutes before meeting time. So I called back and the guy picked up and I was a bit confused as to find the parking lot. As I asked him where it was located as I was headed the other side alongside the highway he started talking to me in a very condescending tone. As I was more confused as to where to find pacific highway he was yelling at me to turn around and go the opposite direction. Point taken: The sign for Pacific highway and Bakerview was missing. It just said Bakerview and that's it. How was I supposed to know where Pacific highway is if you just see a small road with no sign? I took a guess and took that road and eventually found the damn parking lot. So I was already a bit flustered by the time I reached the lot. So we were let into the gate and parked and as we sat in the taxi the guy goes on about how I have to pay the $7 like he discussed over the phone with me about being more than 5 min late. I was only 3 min late. I'm sorry but I do not count calling me 6 min before actual appointment time to the time I arrived with was 3 min later as more than 5 min late. It was like he just wanted the money and we didn't put up with the fuss as we would have been late if we had to go elsewhere. I did not appreciate being scolded and yelled at. What a rude ass!! Like have some sympathy and get this, he is the owner of this lot. Way to not bring back any repeat business and slow down the rate of growth for a new business if it only opened in 2011! Fast forward to return trip. So we were given the option for either call him for a flat rate discount of $8 for pickup or it would be around $10 for all other taxi companies. We decided to not give this guy any more of our money and we would be happy to give another taxi company the $10. So we picked up our bags and met up with the first available taxi that was waiting in the taxi area. As we spoke with the other taxi company, the taxi guy said oh yeah, this guy does not have a good reputation here. We call him "the kid", and he's just shooting himself in the foot for business. We all know about him, but he will learn eventually... So get this, there is a sign at the lot about other taxi companies are not allowed into the lot and guests have to take their bags to their vehicles. Our taxi guy explained having a sign up like that is illegal in Bellingham, you are not allowed to have a sign up like that. Also get this, it only cost us $8.50 on the meter for the cab ride back to the lot, so it's not really much of a discount by using Designated Park N Ride services on the way back! We left this other taxi guy a nice tip. On the way to the airport we left this jerk no tip. He got the extra $7 he wanted... oh and get this the street sign was fixed on the way back. How convenient huh? He must have done that himself to get the extra money from us ha ha ha ha! DO NOT PARK HERE, SAVE YOURSELF THE HEADACHE!!! I usually do the research ahead of time but I didn't even think of it this time. Read all the other crappy reviews that were left for this lot. This guy needs a lesson in customer service. At first I thought he hates his job, but he owns it. I believe his name is Andrew. Anyway, my boyfriend and I work for the airline industry, so the word will spread quick like wild fire ;) I would stay FAR FAR FAR away from this lot!!
Designated Park & Ride
[Scary choice]
Wow with reviews like this how do they stay in business. Sounds like you never know when this guy may blow a fuse, I pass! I'll pay the higher cash price to avoid the higher risk. Doesn't this company know the power of the internet and reviews? Thanks for letting me know customers ahead of time.
Designated Park & Ride
I just read a review... While I the other reviews explaine that customer service seems to be an issue, some things people complain about are ridiculous!!! The guy said he stopped taking calls at 6:30, and the person called after. Yet he offered to help you anyway after he ate dinner. Sounds like he was actually nice for once. But you're upset about this? Some people need to think about what they're complaining about...
Designated Park & Ride
[does this guy read the reviews?]
I haven't gone but I read some of the stories and I have to say this...why doesn't he use a computer to check if the flight is on time???? I just had to point that out because that's what the other park and rides do! He doesn't seem very samrt...
Designated Park & Ride
[not happy customer]
I just called to ask about their service. But the guy who answered is terribly dont have any good manners at all.
Designated Park & Ride
i put in a request online and then phoned right away. The guy who answered was not nice at all. He was like well if you called that late then its $6 i said that was fine and he said "well you know what i am just sitting down for dinner and usually stop taking calls at 6:30 (it was now 6:35) and he said im not helping you now so if you want to call back in 30 minutes you can and ill see what i can do... what a joke. called Wiki Kiki, they were AMAZING. a little bit more expensive but worth it and would neverrrr give a company like this a dime.
Designated Park & Ride
[Not Happy]
0 out of 5 Horrible and rude customer service! I called asking a question which their website was not clear about. Guy on the phone refused to answer telling me to check the site because all the information was there. He then proceeded to say "i don't have time for this, just check the site!" (in a horribly bothered voice) and then hung up on me. I called him back to say that was horrible customer service, I would not be using their company and I was going to complain. He then said (no word of a lie) "what are you going to do, tell my mom or something!" Then he hung up again.
Designated Park & Ride
THis is ANREW RYSER from this company :"We will not be providing parking for you" Remember his name and NEVER use this service -never saw such unhelpful person in my life
Designated Park & Ride
Very unpleasant customer service - very mean person on the phone service - will never recommend it again
Designated Park & Ride
[That was Easy]
I parked at the lot for 10 days this month. It was really simple and cheap! And when we got back, we called the taxi and had a ride once we got our bags! Saved money and had a great experience!!
Designated Park & Ride
[never again]
Wouldn't use this company again despite the slightly cheaper price. I was told that I had to say EXACTLY when I would be arriving but this is difficult given that I have to go through the border first. I told him that I would call when I got close to the front of the line, which I did, but then I got held up by the one person in front of me. There is NO way I can predict this, but he was clearly not happy with me anyway and told me so. I felt that I was scolded when I got there. Who needs this kind of stress before you leave??? To top that off, when I got back my flight was late. I actually called to tell him that my flight was delayed before it left (a long distance call on my dime)...and then I was left at the airport standing there waiting for my ride. EVERYONE else was long gone. I called him to ask where he was (long distance call again) and he said he would be there in 5 minutes. When he came I told him I was dissatisfied with having to wait this long and I got attitude again. He said my flight wasn't expected in for another 20 minutes. I told him that I had called, that my flight was expected in exactly when I said, he argued...and argued...and argued. Finally, he had a look at his sheet and realized that I was correct. No apology, nothing. This is the last time I will ever use this non-service!!
Designated Park & Ride
[Not that Complicated]
So I read these reviews, and decided to go and save the extra money and it was worth it! We got there early in the morning and we parked our car, Andy checked us in, and next thing you know, we were at the airport. And our ride was free! When we returned, we called him when we landed and he got there before we even got our bags. We got our car, and were on our way. Really was an easy time, and i saved $30 or so.
Designated Park & Ride
[Hawaii Bound From Canada]
Important to read this, it looks like it would avoid a lot of the problems above: Thank you for choosing Designated Park & Ride. We take pride in having the lowest parking rates. In order to keep these competitive rates, we have a efficient system in place. Please follow these steps upon your return to the Bellingham Airport to ensure no additional wait charges ($10) will be billed: 1) Turn on your cell phone when your flight lands, in-case any communication is necessary from the taxi driver. 2) Send the driver of your vehicle straight off of the airplane to the prearranged taxi area. There will be a Designated Taxi there waiting (if reserved). If traveling in a group, the rest of your party will remain at the airport to wait for your luggage. 3) The Taxi will take you back to the Designated Park & Ride to retrieve your vehicle. You may then return to the airport to gather your bags and loves ones. There is a 30 minute parking area located across the street from the terminal where you may park your vehicle while your bags are being retrieved.
Designated Park & Ride
[Very Pleased]
I used Designated Park and Ride last week, May 11-19, and I was very very pleased with the service. We got there at our reserved time, and the driver was there ready to park us. Nice looking lot, and the driver was very pleasant and we had a nice chat on the way over. Upon our return, we called as soon as our flight landed, and he was there when our bags arrived. Very easy, very pleasant, my husband and I will definitely be returning.
Designated Park & Ride
[Pay the extra!!!]
I read the reviews of this guy and decided to try him out anyway. What a mistake and I had other warning signs before my travel date. To start, we drove by the lot to check the security and ending up meeting the "Designated Taxi" at the gate and got one of his cards. He says "just phone me to make a reservation" so that's what we do when we get home. We are then told we can't make a reservation yet we have to "call back" within 2 weeks of our travel date. Two weeks before our travel date to the day we call for our reservation. They are too busy to talk now, please call back later in the day. So we do and now told to book our reservation on-line. We book the reservation, get our email confirmation that tells us we should then call them to confirm which I do. I had a time that I wanted to be picked up and I was told that I didn't need to be picked up at that time I could go later. There was a hard time getting this guy to appreciate that I wanted to be picked up at the time I did but it seemed to finally sink in although grudgingly. On our travel date I drop my wife and bags at the airport to make things a little easier, or so I hope, and head off to park at their lot and get the return ride. I arrive 5 minutes before our pick up time and wait at the gate....there is no person that mans the parking site. At 10 minutes past the pick up time I am thinking that this guy is going to see that he picks me up closer to the time he thinks I should go. At 15 minutes past I've had enough waiting and call to find out what is happening. Well it seems that they don't have me booked at all despite the calls, despite the on-line booking, despite the email confirmation and phone confirmation. "Terribly sorry this never happens, I can be there to get you in about 30 minutes or if that doesn't work for you I will refund your $5 deposit." Well I lose it, at this point my wife has been standing outside the airport with our bags for close to an hour, I can see the half hour pick up extending beyond that and this idiot is deigning to refund my deposit and I am supposed to be satisfied with these options!? The bottom line here is that this "service" is not worth the aggravation to save $4 per day. I will and strongly recommend that everyone else just park at the airport and get to park when YOU want to park and be confident that when you return you can get back in your car when YOU are ready (read other reviews) to go home. Travel is tressful enough without the garbage this company delivers and hopefully they won't be around to deliver it much longer. Oh, and I never did get my promised $5 refund!!!
Designated Park & Ride
DO NOT USE THESE PEOPLE!!! I use the word people loosely. Read below and form your own opinions. FYI I emailed the Mayor and Councellors but this tool has found a way to avoid the city. I felt after a few days of thinking about it, that I would email about an incident that happened on our pick up from the Bellingham Airport, Monday, March 12 around 10:45 PM. First let me say that this is the third time that we have used Designated Taxi for Park & Ride and we have always had pleasant drivers and a good experience. That is why we kept giving you repeat business and you have received other business because of our recommendation. Some background first, we checked out of our Hotel in Las Vegas early on Monday morning, we then had to keep ourselves busy until our flight out at 8:15PM, it was a long day. When we arrived at the Vegas Airport we were greeted with the nastiest check in lady we had ever encountered. She was rude, unhelpful and FORCED two of our travel companions to check bags, yes forced. She refused to give them boarding passes until they had checked their bags. The bags were approved carry ons but this woman was adamant that there was no room on board the flight etc etc. Then on top of that, the flight ended up being delayed almost an hour. When we arrived in Bellingham we had had a very long day. We had to deal with the “lady” at the Check In, the flight was delayed, and we then had to wait for bags that we should never have had to wait for. We were looking to getting to the car and heading home. Then we met our driver. As soon as the four of us walk out the door the guy started to yell at us. “He was told no checked bags, he's been waiting for over ½ an hour, they charge for waiting for checked bags,” this guy was freaking out. Now I am not sure how you are after a long day of travel with a bunch of stupid things happening all day, but we four grown adults did not appreciate being yelled at in front of an Airport at 11PM in the night in the pouring rain after a lovely vacation by a Taxi driver. We of course got defensive and said the flight just landed what did you want us to do? And he is yelling the whole time to “turn on my god damn cell phone, that I should have called about the flight delay,”” HE should not have to wait. He was told no bags. “We were the only flight that arrived and EVERYONE was late, and most people were forced to check bags. There was not one person looking for a cab while we were loading the car, not one. As for the delay, I was under the impression that this service was tracking our flight?? And as for the checked bags, they weren’t supposed to be checked in the first place and it takes then less than ten minutes to offload them in Bellingham, so honestly I never thought to call long distance on my Canadian cell phone from Las Vegas to tell them you that we had checked a bag. In the car on the way back we are all arguing and yelling, people including the driver are cursing at each other, when someone said look let’s just all shut up. So we did. Then your driver says “I don't know why your all so pissed off I was the one waiting for over a ½ and hour.” So again we all start to argue with this guy, it’s been a long day and really what is this guy’s problem cursing and fighting with his passengers? Your driver kept egging us on and on, making snotty comments and we thought this is getting ridiculous! Then the guy says “well it seems like this is the first time you have heard that we charge for waiting for checked bags”. My comment was, “I have used this Taxi service twice before this and both times I have had checked bags on the return flight, I was never charged for waiting, nor were we EVER told that you would charge us for waiting for our bags. Not once. We finally get to the parking lot, it is pouring rain out and freezing, one of our mates is almost on the ground in pain with his back, we are all stressed out as this return trip was turning in to a nightmare. When the driver pipes up again and says, “Now guys we usually charge $10 for waiting” well my friend lost it!! Is this guy serious!?! He freaked out threw five dollars at him and basically said don't worry we will never be back. Well the driver flipped out starts cursing and swearing at us again. He then THREW MY SUITCASE ON GROUND!! I was trying to calm this guy down by making eye contact and talking calmly to him trying to tell him how crappy the flight was, that's why we’re upset etc, and he just ignored me and kept after our friend! It is chaos in the parking lot by this time. I'm yelling that I have fragile things in those bags to be careful, our other friend is still almost on the ground in pain, our fourth really angry friend is freaking about how all we have gotten on this trip is taken advantage of and how everyone is nice on the way down but once they have your money the attitude changes. The driver is screaming “I hope I never fucking see you fucking idiots again” Your driver at this point screams at us “That we should not be like fucking retards and learn to follow simple instructions” Our fourth friend made a step towards him and the driver jumped in the taxi and peeled away. We all stood there in the rain, absolutely dumfounded at what had just happened. We pick up our bags off the wet ground and head home. When I cross the border I get a text message from the driver phone number 1-360-201-0700, this message said “I was trying to tell you assholes that I usually would charge for waiting, but since you hadn't heard I would let it slide. That is when your friend threw $ in my face. You guys are dicks!” So now at this point he verbally abused us in the cab, it's not like we could say let us out. Our car was LOCKED IN YOUR YARD!!! He threw my bag into the mud and broke souvenirs that I had purchased AND then called us “fucking retards” “assholes” and “dicks”. He could tell we were upset right from the beginning when he verbally attacked us outside the airport. He really could have and should have let the charge comment go in the parking lot but it really seemed like this guy was looking for a fight. But to bring it up again after we got out of the cab was a bit much. I looked at the card we received with our “receipt” on it. It did not say anywhere that there is or could be a charge for waiting for bags. There is nothing on Designated Taxi's website under more info or on the home page. If the individual driver charges more than we prepaid, then we should be made aware BEFORE we book with you. I will fully admit that we argued with the driver as much he argued with us but I am not sure how you would expect someone to react after being greeted in such a way. Obviously my days of using Designated Taxi are over. My days of telling people about your lot are over but I can tell you my days of spreading the word about your abusive taxi drivers certainly are not. I will be contacting The City of Bellingham to tell them my utter disgust at being treated that way by someone who should be greeting visitors to Bellingham in a nicer manner. In this economy I don’t have to use Bellingham I can go right past your city to Seattle. I cannot imagine that this is the type of ambassador the city wants greeting people. I will be making travel reviews about this Taxi service and I have the text kept for future reference.
Designated Park & Ride
Don't go there. Jerk on the phone said to busy to take my reservation. When i responded back this is what I got in response. Sorry if I offended you by being busy. I hope you are able to loosen up by going on vacation. This guy is very customer focused. LOL
Designated Park & Ride
[UnHappy Customer]
I would not recommend this company and will definitely not be using him again. While very friendly at departure, things turned around upon my arrival. Before departing Andy insisted that upon my return, I leave the terminal without retrieiving my checked bag so he could take me back to my car first, then I would have to drive back to the airport to locate my luggage. When I chose to wait for my bag which arrived within 10 minutes of my arrival, he demanded $10 for his wait time when he took me back to my vehicle. When I questioned it, he drove off, then sent me a lengthy text telling me how disrespectful I was and how dare I change plans. I was unnerved as I was a single traveller, it was late evening; he had my car, credit card number and telephone number at his disposal. Common sense tells you never to leave baggage unattended. Moreover, I would rather pay the extra $1 or $2 and have the comfort of knowing I was dealing with a stable business person. Beware travellers especially if you have checked baggage.
Designated Park & Ride
We used Designated Parking for 18 days in Sept/Oct 2011. We were very pleased with the service and the price is substantially lower than the airport parking and other lots. Andy is the owner and also runs a taxi business from his parking lot. He's a young man trying to set up a profitable business. We made a telephone reservation with Andy and set up a time to meet at the lot. The lot is 2.1 miles from the airport, just off I5. The shuttle to the airport is via taxi and costs 10.00 (return). The lot is fenced and secure. Andy was waiting for our return flight in his taxi. We did not have checked baggage so we were driving away in our car 10 minutes after Andy picked us up. This may be quicker than being shuttled to your car in the next overflow parking lot at the airport. We were very pleased to find safe parking that is significantly lower in price than the airport lots and we will definitely return to Designated Park and Ride for our next trip out of Bellingham.

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