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Reviews for Vancouver International Airport - Parkade

(serving Vancouver International Airport)

Driving directions (Map) to Vancouver International Airport
Vancouver International Airport - Parkade
-------------------------------------------- hello i just want to let you know that my wife was at the airport on march 7th 2014 to pick up her mother that was coming back from a holiday as an emergency because she was very sick with cancer,she had parked went inside to get her and then paid at the meter inside the airport when she got to the gate to get out she had lost the paid ticket in all of the confusion with her mother the person at the ticket gate made her pay a 30.00 lost ticket fund i think this is way over priced the bottom line is that she had to pay 54.00 to get out of the airport,this could have been a lot less of a price for a reprint ticket i cant see many people being that dishonest that they would pull into an airport and try to get out with out paying thanks bob 604-619-1548
Vancouver International Airport - Parkade
can I fit a dually one ton ford truck in at the airport or do I need to park off site?

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