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Reviews for Easy Airport Parking

(serving Bellingham International Airport)

Driving directions (Map) to Bellingham International Airport
Easy Airport Parking
Excellent service - beyond normal customer service - and excellent value. We were running late due to an unexpected early morning delay crossing the border from Canada; I called to forewarn them that we were running late. Penny (staff/owner?) was at the gate waiting for us, we quickly parked our car, she told us we could pay later, and she rushed us off to the airport. On the way back into town the shuttle bus was waiting for us, with a list of expected returning passengers/customers. The lot was a proper secured parking lot, with a second, overflow location I believe. What I can say about the security is that it is a fenced and gated lot - don't know if it's 24-hour security. Our car was fine. This is the company to which I am referring: The previous posting doesn't describe the right business or lot.
Easy Airport Parking
0 out of 5. we had emailed this company 5 days before our flight to reserve a spot. no reponse from them so we decided to call multiple times 2 days before. left 2 messages nothing. so we get there and realize its a rc car business lot. a few spots are left so we wait for a driver. the driver comes and asks if we have a reservation and tell him we called and emailed. he tells us the lot is now full and he is just the driver and doesnt have the "cell" phone to check messages. so what does the other guy do? is this really even a business? a couple guys selling spots in a lot that is a side business to their rc car business. dont bother. dodgy as their blue mazda mpv death trap.

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