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Reviews for ABC Ramps - Ramp-Ride-Fly

(serving Minneapolis - Saint Paul International Airport)

Driving directions (Map) to Minneapolis - Saint Paul International Airport
ABC Ramps - Ramp-Ride-Fly
I parked in the ramp from October 31 through November 8 and sometime during that time, my vehicle was broken into. I know they took a few pairs of sunglasses that will need to be replaced with the money I saved parking in their unsecure lot. Also, it is a 2 block walk from the last stop on the light rail to the parking ramp. Getting to the light rail in the morning was not an issue as there were lots of people around. However, my return trip was at night and walking alone past a gentleman's club and into a somewhat deserted parking ramp was not a comfortable experience. I would recommend spending the extra money and parking in a secure ramp.

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