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Reviews for Elite Self Park & Ride

(serving Edmonton International Airport)

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Elite Self Park & Ride
We used Elite for the 1st time in Decenber, 2014. GREAT experience! Very clean facility where you drop your vehicle off and they grab your bags, yes, they helped! Staff very friendly, helpful and quick, very important so you can get to the airport in time for you long wait to board. Driver of shuttle, nice and friendly dropped us off with a cheerful have a great trip. Flew in, gave them a ring, they were there in minutes. Same experience with staff, friendly and efficient. My vehicle was parked inside, warm and ready for me. Will definitely use again and highly recommend. Highlights- wonderful customer service, clean facility (including bathroom), vehicle secure in locked compound, vehicle plugged in during cold weather, additional services available, vehicle INSIDE for transferring of luggage, vehicle warm when you get there!!!

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